You’re probably aware that your hormones have great influence over your energy levels and mood. You might know that there are times of the month when you feel ‘hormonal’. And there might be times of the month where you don’t think about it all because you feel great and you’re busy living your best life. But the truth is, the hormones of the menstrual cycle have a massive influence on energy, mood, and behaviour, and I want to tell you about them so that you can harness your hormones and get your cycle working for you. So here they are:
Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is the boss of your cycle and small amounts of it are regularly released by a gland in your head called the hypothalamus. These pulses are picked up by a neighbouring gland called the pituitary, and in turn, stimulate it to release two other hormones which cause ovulation. Think of GnRH as Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada; her presence is felt everywhere, and nothing happens without her say so – but it’s her minions that do the actual work.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) does exactly what it says on the tin – it stimulates the follicles in your ovaries to grow and mature, and eventually release an egg at ovulation. At the start of the cycle, it stimulates your follicles, and once one outshines the others, it stands down. Then, later on in the cycle, just before ovulation, it arrives back on the scene along with another hormone called luteinising hormone (LH) and they take turns egging each other on, and once they peak ovulation occurs. Imagine Tyra Banks in America’s Next Top Model, she’s there at the start praising all the contestants, making them feel good, then she steps back, waits to see who will outperform the others, and then shows up to award the winner with their prize.
Oestrogen is the hormone that reigns over the first half of your cycle – the follicular phase. It’s secreted by your developing follicles and causes the lining of your uterus to plump up in anticipation of a fertilised egg potentially implanting in the second half of your cycle – your luteal phase. Oestrogen can make you feel confident, alluring, and sensual. It can clear up your skin and even make your features more symmetrical. It helps us to learn new skills and feel on top of the world. Think of oestrogen as your Beyoncé hormone!
Luteinising hormone shows up just before ovulation as oestrogen reaches its peak. LH delivers the power and strength that results in ovulation and also lays the foundation for progesterone production in the second half of the cycle. So although it seems like Beyoncé (oestrogen) is the star of the show, it’s Solange (LH) who has the power to make ovulation happen. Or kick the crap out of Jay-Z.
Testosterone is not a male hormone, it is produced by all humans. It peaks around the time of ovulation, at the same time as oestrogen and LH peak. It’s active, ambitious, sexy, and competitive – the Serena Williams of hormones. Testosterone strengthens our bones and muscles and contributes to an increase in sexual desire around ovulation.
Progesterone is produced as a result of ovulation and it dominates the second half of your cycle. It develops and maintains the lining of your womb so that it’s ready for a fertilised egg to implant if there was to be one. Progesterone is essential for conceiving and sustaining a pregnancy, but this isn’t its only role. Progesterone is crucial for bone health, preventing breast and uterine cancer, and it can also soothe mood and aid sleep. The Kristen Stewart of hormones, progesterone is edgy, doesn’t want to be the centre of attention, and prefers to stay at home eating apple pie.
Now you know the key hormonal players of your cycle, you might wanna take a look at what happens in each phase of the cycle and use it to reflect on your experience of your cycle.
Harness your hormones & get your cycle working for you.