Bestselling books that will change your life.
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Are you stuck in a vicious circle of prioritising others leaving you feeling irritated, worked up or just completely overwhelmed?
Are you a people pleaser?
Do you have difficulty with procrastination or react to situations defensively?
It distils the essence of all I teach and the insights gained from my extensive coaching experience into a guide to take control of your life.
Packed with insights and strategies to help you work with your menstrual cycle, this revolutionary book reveals everything you need to know about taking control of your menstrual cycle and outlines The Cycle Strategy to help you perform at your best, throughout your cycle.
The Guardian
It’s a must-read for anyone looking for a well-researched, evidenced-based book on perimenopause and menopause that gives women the information they need to address their hormonal needs.
Simple Things
Sunday Telegraph, Stella